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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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My trick is to beat these as soon as possible so I can take advantage of all the easy techniques before they're patched out

On some levels, I win when I jump into water as myself and then jump into water as the flag. Is that intentional? This game doesn't have the level select so I haven't gone back to gather more detailed information, but it feels like a glitch

I got ~80% of the collectibles by doing really janky walljump strats and didn't realize I could grab and climb around the walls with the triggers until I looked up a guide. Figured I'd post this here to help anyone else, because I swear this isn't explained anywhere in-game and I never saw a readme or even a "map controls" screen.

Very fun, though a bit QWOP/Getting Over It in places. I got 15/15 and all 3 big stars on every level, but it still said only 97% complete when I finished the last level. Very strange.

I wonder if it's because I got one of my missing big stars and exited a level without re-completing it, or if I didn't hit a save point after getting my last star, or if there's some other secret I missed. All the levels are sparkling on the overworld.

Ah crap there we go. Thanks for the explanation, I think I'll spend a few bucks on it.

It's not in my library. The Itchio desktop client wouldn't download/install it when it was up for free, and I think I ran into some glitches when I tried to download it off the site. Maybe when I was finally able to download it I wasn't logged in or something, or there was some sorta site glitch.

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Was there a significant update between 1.0.9 and 1.1.0, or is this a misunderstanding of semantic versioning? If it was just another patch then it should've probably been called 1.0.10 -

Anyway I got it for free back in 1.0.6 but apparently need to pay if I wanna update it. I probably will anyway though since Hempuli rocks

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I just discovered this project, and would LOVE to see vehicles from even more N64 racing games added in, especially the ones mentioned in other comments.

What a great idea!